The simpler of the two will be the game card. Like your standard playing card, it need a front and a back. The back will have a logo (the Polymer logo), the same on all cards. The front will have text that reflects some rank (in this game, it's basically 1-6 plus 3 special card types).
The first trick is to not show both sides of the card at the same time. I took out the other styling attributes for the css, and just wanted to show the affect of a relatively positioned outer <div> (so it's still affected by flexbox correctly), and two absolutely positioned inner <div>, with classes front and back. The outer div defines the css transition, and that the back of a flipped card can be seen (backface-visibility: hidden;). The front of the card is flipped over with transform: rotateY( 180deg), and the front and back are both rotated 180 degrees in the same direction to get the affect.
That flipped class is applied with Polymer's special attribute data binding, class$="front {{isFlipped(show)}}", which binds the calculation of the class to a function in game-card's script called "isFlipped", that is evaluated every time the value of the attribute "show" changes (internally to game-card, or applied to the element from elsewhere). When the class appears or disappears, the css animation is applied.
For now, an "on-click" event is present to flip the cards as needed.
Cards in this game are played from stacks (or piles). Two things I wanted to do for stacks was
- Proportion the cards dimensions
- Fan the cards so I could see them all from top to bottom.
My first step was to make cards that had a respectable shape! Normal playing cards are 64mm x 89mm so we want to keep that proportion. Plus, in the card stacks I want to "fan out" a stack of up to 5 card and still fit in the width of the <card-stack> element (which is always resized with flexbox). A little calculation is needed, and the solution I've used was this (polymer properties removed):
With Polymer, getting the size of elements (or their parents) is tricky if not done at the right time where all the values are 0. Here I used the IronResizeableBehavior to catch an iron-resize event, and if the height is > 0 (meaning it actually rendered), performed some calculations to preserve the aspect ratio.
Fanning the cards needs to happen from inside the <card-stack>, but outside of <game-card>, so the aspects and behaviors of the cards are independent of the styles applied. Using Polymer's <dom-repeat> template, we can list the cards in an array, and with CSS just stack them on top of each other. This style was very calculated, so this was done with a function bound to three attributes of the <card-stack> (so will be recalculated each time).
This step is wrapped up, so I created a branch.
The resizing of cards (and where to bind values in the layout) took about 3 hours, the card flip was about 2, and the fanning elements was about 1. Measuring time is funny, because it really was about a day between meetings, lunch, the other projects that needs attention, etc . . . cramming 6 hours of good work into 9 hours of my day : )
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