I didn't find much help when trying to do this, so thought I would write it up here.
Our AWS RDS was Postgres 9.6.1 but the postgres tools on the EC2 instance from the default yum repos was 9.5.4. Can't `pg_dump` with the minor version mis-match!
These were my commands (lines starting with // are like commands, don't run those : )
// Start at yum.postgresql.org
// https://yum.postgresql.org/repopackages.php#pg96
// Reading through docs there, need epel repos enabled
sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel
// Now there are more postgresql packages listed, but not 9.6!
yum list postgresql*
// Need to install the matching rpm file with yum. Copy the link.
sudo yum install pgdg-ami201503-96-9.6-2.noarch.rpm
// Yep, can see the packages for 9.6
yum list postgresql*
sudo yum install postgresql96.x86_64
// there was an error. Uninstall the 9.2 package (how did that even get there?)
sudo yum erase postgresql92
sudo yum install postgresql96.x86_64
// All tools now report 9.6.1
pg_dump --version
pg_restore --version
psql --version