
Monday, July 18, 2016

git Permission Denied after reboot

Common issue that I just dealt with again, but wanted to write it down for that time I won't have it memorized.

My machine's git account is tied to the rsa key for github. Company switched to Bitbucket, I created another key to keep the accounts separate, and now whenever I restart my machine git gives me an error like:
Permission denied (publickey).fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rightsand the repository exists.

Turns out I need to add the new key to ssh because it loses track. Some folks have suggested putting this in their bashrc so they don't need to type, but I don't restart the machine too often and typed this post instead.

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsabb

The rsa key is in the .ssh directory, but needed to be added to the console. "id_rsabb" was the name I chose for my bitbucket rsa key. Simple command, enter my key's password, and git + ssh are working together again. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

AWS SNS.publish Extended Message Data

Using AWS SNS in NodeJS to send Push Notifications, and we wanted to append extra data to the payloads. AWS has good docs for the plain text message, but trying to use a JSON Message object in the sns.publish call saw an error like:

016-07-12T16:19:09.713Z - error: InvalidParameterType: Expected params.Message to be a string

After some searching, I found the answer in an AWS forum dated back to 2013. Thought I would repost here for easier reference to myself.

The trick was those extra JSON.stringify calls, once to turn the platform messages into strings, and once to turn the entire Message object into a string. Seems like some odd parsing, but I have received notifications on an Android phone, so at least GCM likes it.